All tagged The Jetsons

TV Tidbit: When Saturday Mornings Were Epic

What has become of Saturday mornings is a travesty. In the 70s and 80s, watching Saturday morning cartoons was a ritual. You’d climb out of bed at the crack of dawn, grab a blanket, go to the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of Fruity Pebbles or Cocoa Krispies, make your way to the living room, and ready yourself for a marathon of sitting in your pajamas and watching the world of Hanna-Barbera unfold before your eyes.

Saturday Morning Legends: Hanna-Barbera — The Kings of Cartoons

Saturday mornings used to be the most-eagerly anticipated time of a child’s week. Getting up early, pouring yourself a big old bowl of Fruity Pebbles or Trix, making a blanket fort, and watching your Saturday morning cartoons. It was sacred time for the kid to rejuvenate from their school week and get lost in the world of animated fun. Of the myriad options you could tune in to over three major networks, the most common names to come up in your cartoons’ credits were those of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, titans of the animated Saturday morning world. This article is a celebration of the best of these Kings of Cartoons and the multitude of shows they churned out over the span of five decades.