All tagged Fred Astaire

TV Tidbit: The Easter Bunny is Comin’ to Town

At Christmas time, we all sit down to watch many holiday Christmas specials made by those keepers of the yuletide, Arthur Rankin and Jules Bass. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town, Frosty the Snowman, Twas the Night Before Christmas, The Little Drummer Boy and The Year Without a Santa Claus are among the many holiday specials that this duo were behind producing. But Rankin and Bass were not just Christmas-fixated. One of their best and most beautifully constructed stop-motion animation special debuted in 1977, on April 6th.

Movie Morsel: The First Oscar for “Best Song”

There is no question that music make a movie. The right music or song can set a tone, create atmosphere, incite emotional response, and create a memorable carry-away that will keep audiences thinking about the film long after they have left the theatre. From “Over the Rainbow” and “When You Wish Upon a Star” to “My Heart Will Go On” and “The Streets of Philadelphia”, there is no denying the long-term impact the right song can have on a movie’s legacy. As I was thinking about this year’s round of ditties nominated in the “Best Song” Oscar category, I started wondering: what song won the first Academy Award for Best Song?